Emergency Commissions!

Open till:  I make $600 from donations and commissions.

Send Details and Reference pics to SouthernBelleArtShop@gmail.com  Can only accept PayPal or Ko-Fi for these commissions.  I'll send the invoice and you can choose add more to it if you want.  Please include your paypal email and a social media handle just so I have a second way to contact and tag you.

If you follow me on twitter and Instagram then you know about Hoss.  If you don't heres the thing:  Hoss is my oldest mutt 10+ years and its been below 30 for weeks in AL.  Naturally, this far south were not use to that...!  We don't have central heat or AC in my current space and our fire wood was rotten thanks to a variety of critters...

Needless to say, poor Hoss ended up with pneumonia and the other pups all got the sniffles too.  But Pneumonia is life threatening...  So he went to the vet, many test were done, meds were bought...  That was close to $350.  Then we had to get a hotel... No hotels would book us or were closed so we went two cities over in search of a heater!  (We went by 12 stores in total including two walmarts and a home depot all were sold out of wood and heaters..)  When we found one it was like $90 bucks... Ouchie...  But despite times...  Were up to $440.

Next we got wood from a family friend.  It had to be delivered and they didn't cut us a break.  $50 there...  Then we needed gas...

Its about $600..  Luckily a friend loaned me her credit card because it was a dire emergency so the quicker I make this back the better!

I know times are tough all around but this is a massive slash in my prices because even the base price of $5 will help.

If you want to help but your not looking for art then you can chip in a few bucks via ko-fi.  $3 goes a long way and I still offer special commissions each month that your are welcomed to for the donation!
