Wanna hire me to lurk at your events?!

Im going to be doing more local work as party entertainment!

By this I mean Face painting, Caricatures, DIY buttons and stickers, and coloring pages for parties and events!

Yaah...  But I am seriously looking to do this.  I've come up with some possible rates and im going to start posting and see how much of a response I get.  When Sal gets home im going to be using him for some Face Painting Practice. 

Till then im going to snag some photos and make caricatures off of them, got my buttons and stickers, and got a few coloring pages to show...

So yah, we'll see what kind of reactions I get.  If I get a good response i'll be adding a more professional page for each thing up top but till then I got this little tab saying I do local stuff.

Yap.  Live in Alabama?  Consider hiring me to come be artsy at your shindigs.  I'll look hella awkward and it'll be a great ice breaker.
