July Updates

My new shop is open!  The Art Shopis found HERE on the blog!  You can find it above on the directory bar or follow this link.
Each month inventory will change but it will always have book marks, tiles, stickers, larger prints, postcards, a craft item or two, and an original painting or drawing.
Each price includes shipping and tax!!  The price you see is what I charge.  I also have links to my other shops there.  Get my merch off redbubble or buy prints on my storenvy.

The Chibi and Full Body YCHs are now closed.

Ko-Fi Rewards have changed!  Summer Themed Stickers and Prints to be sent!  $6+ more money more rewards.  $20+ and I add a extra special reward!

See me on Ko-Fi Today!

August 17th i'll be holding two more classes and one will be acrylic, the second one will most likely be watercolor.  Email me or see Facebook.com/kiritawindwalker for more info as its released!

Next, Commissions!  I'll have 5 slots a week and you can find examples and prices here as well as under the Commissions at a Glance Tab.  Open for everything, just toss me a email or DM!

And as always see Patreon I've got exclusive monthly rewards of art, WIP and special patron only post and more!  Patreon

And on to regular updates, June was a very good month for me and im so grateful for all of you that helped make that possible!  I OVER BOOKED my commissions!  That was a first!!  And this month i've been able to keep my list pretty active and its a wonderful feeling!

Its my goal to attend the next Silvermoon Booth Sale in August as well. and bring Sals new Leather crafts!

Speaking of Leather Crafts, next month i'll be adding three of his Leather pieces to the shop for August inventory but im allowing bids on them now, we actually sold one already and were very grateful for that!  We hope to see them all go quickly so more can be made.  Perhaps in September he'll be ready to open for custom pieces.

Lastly this month i'll be learning Pixel Art creation.  So possibly in Sept i'll offer a deal on those if I enjoy it!

And thats all for this months updates.  Thanks for Stopping by!!

