September Updates and Classes

First off, i'll have two Acrylic Classes on September the 17th.  One at 11:30 and one at 3:00 both up to 2 hours to allow plenty of time for work and questions!

Next, i'll start annoucing my October Specials including Halloween Themes, YCHs, Inktober and Drawtober Prompts, New Ko-Fi Rewards, and other fun things!

Im starting a special Moving Fund.  We need to bring in $500+ extra this month due to unexpected moving fees.  Etsy Sales and Commissions both go towards these funds after bills are covered!

EDIT:  As of September 19th we've reached the $500 goal and were on our way to the $1000 goal!  Thank you all so much!

I also only have 1 slot left for September and all Digital Commissions will be closed till October 10th so we can move and get set up!


Introducing a NEW Commission slot, Art Nouveau style!

Next i'll be offering a new way to get commissions, the Bingo Page!  You can count for multiples and you can Bingo out even ever your ready be it with 1 bar, all around, or a full board!  More squares you cover the more you'll get!

Runs September 1st to January 1st

Next, ETSY IS OPEN! :D  And im running a 15% off store wide!  Originals, leathercrafts, and wire wraps for sell!  I'll also be adding Merch bundles, whee!

And Last thing to report, Ko-Fi rewards are staying the same till October.

Have a great September!

