April Updates and Deals

On Going Deals

Yap... Thats whats going on!  Thats all!  No Ko-Fi Rewards... Okay, I kid... But first updates!

As yall know last month Sal's Mom passed so I took a quick hiatus to spend with him till he left to go back to TX... He went alone because his family paid out like $600 for his ticket alone and I didnt want them spending that on me because I dont like that... I dont like getting charity, I will give and I will work but I just dont like getting for nothing if I can help it..  Plus I only met her once and we've only been married a few months... I just felt like I didnt need to be involved with that, that it needed to be a him thing... So I stayed.. With Dogs...  He should arrive back soon... Then we go.. And we build a camper structure.  

Do you enjoy my life updates?  I mean really I know your here looking for free shit and discounts but damn it all I wanna be social with you..!  I am lacking in adult socializing right now!  Well.. human socializing.

Another update, that digital PWYW for Hoss's bill is over as of yesterday.  In total I raised about $300 with that sell alone and that was awesome, really.  I felt the support and Hoss felt it too.  I made the rest of what I needed to pay back my friend by working my rump off with extra slots and a few local events.. So I paid that off.  Which is why I cant afford my PC but I can say that debt is paid.

One last update, happy Easter!  And.. April's fool day?  Dont get pranked, make sure that is some real fucking chocolate your eating..

Okay, okay!  Im focused.

So this month im focusing on Landscapes and Watercolors.  I know i've been doing a LOT of watercolors recently but I need to learn landscapes and watercolors seem like a painful way to do it!  I wanted to do some Bob Ross shit like a happy little tree here and there but I cant afford to go buy some oil paints cause those things are expensive...

SO!  Ko-Fi rewards, I got two for yah this month.

1.  Chibi Sketch Head-Full Body  

For two coffee i'll do lines.  Make it 3 and i'll add colors.  Make it 4 and i'll mail it to you.  Honestly, i'll mail you the sketch or lines too if you wanna save a coffee.  I dont mind, just let me know.  You can email me about it when you provide that Ref pic.

Fursonas, OCs, its all welcomed.  And you can choose a avatar to a full body, same price either way... But maybe I do little border for avatars and such

2.  Landscape Request

For one coffee you can tell me what kind of scene you want me to do or give me a image and i'll do it.  Support me and get to see me struggle!  

Sticker and Button Club are on hiatus this month but if you want to join those just go visit my patreon.

My leftover book markers are on sale for a buck, but if I have large orders or the like then I might slip them in as a special thank you.  Yap.  

Im done for the day, time to do other productive things... Work.  Uggh it feels like a Monday!
